Tuesday, April 2, 2013

There Is Hope There Is A Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Sometimes we feel that our world is going to fall apart right before our very eyes. Sometimes we feel that there is no end to our misery. Never give up, never surrender, there will always be light at the end of the darkness.

Sometimes we feel that our world is going to fall apart right before our very eyes. Sometimes we feel that there is no end to our misery. Sometimes we feel that there is no hope in sight. We just have to always try to remember and have faith that amidst the darkness that we are in, there is always HOPE. The only time that hope is gone, is when you give up hope. As the saying goes, never give up, never surrender, because there will always be the light at the end of the tunnel. Some tunnels are longer than others, so the faster you keep going, the faster you will get to the light! If you just sit still in the middle of darkness, and do nothing, then you will stay in the dark longer, so keep moving, eventually the signs of light will start to poke through and before you know it, the end of the tunnel is just a step away..

Written and photography by Jazevox. All Rights Reserved.  
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