In the past, several years ago, the only way to go up to the Chocolate Hills Complex upper observation deck is to take the 200+ steps. Climbing the steep inclined steps is definitely one of the most memorable area and thing to do in the complex. To reach the upper end of the almost endless stairs and reach the upper observation deck is quite rewarding, being able to see the chocolate hills view with no view distractions like trees and buildings. You can see the hills in 360 degrees viewing angle from there.
The climbing part can get really tiring but there are rest stop balconies along the way, so you have a some area to catch your breath, relax, and enjoy the view in different parts of the hill.
Several years ago its hard to imagine any other way to get to the observation deck but the existing stairs. Thats why its impressive when the Chocolate Hills management added the zigzag pattern walking trails on the side of the mountain that you can used as an alternative route to go up and down both to and from the observation deck. The cemented walk trail looks like its always been there since the beginning but for many years, its always just the steps to climb up and down from/to the observation deck.

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